Friday, July 31, 2009



* 1 mature mango but strong
* 3 spoonfuls of vinegar of rice
* 1 spoonful of sugar
* 1 spicy pepper
* A bundle of leaves of curly lettuce
* Cilantro leaves
* 1/2 baked chicken
* 2 spoonfuls of sésamo seeds
* 1 clove of garlic


In a recipient, it mixes the vinegar of rice, the sugar, the crushed garlic and the spicy pepper cut in wheels. It removes smoothly with a tablespoon until the sugar is dissolved.

It eliminates the skin of the chicken, cut it in small pieces and incorporate them to the recipient where you prepared the mixture of vinegar and sugar. Allow it to macerate in the refrigerator while tuestas the sésamo seeds and you prepare the vinaigrette of honey.

Vinaigrette of honey

You can make this vinaigrette for this mango salad and to keep what is, in a tightly closed recipient, to use in a next opportunity. To prepare it, you will need a licuadora, because their technique is similar to that of the homemade mayonnaise.


* 5 spoonfuls of honey
* 3 spoonfuls of vinegar of rice
* 1/2 cup of oil of corn


The cocoa is a fruit of tropical origin with which the chocolate takes place. Its importance in the economy of the colony was enormous, since it was one of the products of the new continent more coveted by the Europeans. It is cultivated in bushes from 2 to 3 meters that should be to the shade, reason why usually they are low bigger trees as the cedar, the bucare, the mango, or the banana, among other...

The tree of the cocoa usually has between 10 and 15 fruits, but in some occasions it can arrive at 20.
There are two types of cocoa: one is red and when being matured they become had lived and the other one is green and when you matures restitution yellow.

The cocoa has some seeds that can be sucked as a sucker or a guanábana. These seeds are covered for a jellied substance. They are sweet and very flavorful.

When the cocoa is mature, he/she intersects of the tree and it is left to the shade it has more than enough banana leaves for about 3 to 6 days, so that it is fermented. It is important that he/she has humidity, but you cannot wet with the rain. Then, it is put in the sun for their other drying 3 to 6 days.

Toasted grains

When the grains are already dry you tuestan in an oven and then they are removed the shell and they are crushed. Finally, to prepare the chocolate it is added sugar and milk.




* 1 ¾ Cups of water
* 3/4 cups of sugar
* 6 eggs
* 1 touch of rum (OPTIONAL)
* 10 muffled spoonfuls of powdered milk
* 1 spoonful vanilla
* 1 spoonful of melted butter
* For the Candy:
* 1 ½ cup of sugar
* ½ cup of water


He/she gets ready a candy with the sugar and the water in a mold with cover for quesillo. The other ingredients are placed in the BLENDER, less the eggs, it is beaten, and you begins to add the eggs one to one. The preparation is placed in the mold carameled to "Bathroom of María" in oven to 350 grades, until when introducing a toothpick it leaves clean. He/she allows to cool down and it is turned in a beautiful plate. It is conserved in the refrigerator.



3/4 of cup of wheat flour
1 whole egg
1/2 cup of chopped white onion
1/2 pound of meat of res/vaca molida/picada
1/2 cups of cabbage or very fine chopped cabbage
1 cup of very fine chopped shrimps
2 peeled and grated carrots
consommé of granulated chicken to the pleasure
salt and pepper
oil for frye

The night before preparing these rolls, to knead the flour with the egg and some salt, until he/she is formed a consistent mass that to rest covered in the refrigerator will be left. The following day, knead the pasta again and to smooth it with a roller until leaving it the thinest thing possible and to cut squares of some five inches of side. Separated, in a pan with some drops of oil to fry the meat for four to six minutes, adding them then the onion, cabbage, shrimps and carrots. He/she seasons everything with consommé of granulated chicken, salt and pepper. When it cools a little, he/she leaves placing the filler in the squares of mass that close as a burrito, hitting the ends with some beaten egg. They are fried at the same time in very hot oil one or two, so that they gild well and don't stick. To be slippery in absorbent paper before taking to the table. To serve hot.

eggplants good

2 of eggplants.
Some lemon drops
50 grs. of olives the color that you like.
1 teeth of garlic puree ·
2 spoonfuls of olive oil.
Very fine chopped basil.

the recipe

Do the eggplants find out they put in the oven, in the pallilla ò on the fire of the kitchen directly, that if,.. very low the fire, if it is in the direct fire.. doesn't he/she peel until cooked estè,.. as sabès? simple, do you pass him a knife to travès of the eggplant, if it happens effortlessly.. clever, dejà that cooled, obvious and do you put it low the jet of water to peel it, do you drain it and in a plate the picàs with the limòn drops so that it doesn't oxidize.
He/she is put of olive oil, the olives, previously chopped very tiny, to my I like the quarter notes, they are put the garlics, the basil, salt and pepper, in order to prepare the caviar. The condiment is rectified
A detail: The eggplant should not have the green end, otherwise it will be bitter and it won't be pleasant what gets ready with her.
Him podès to put what you like, Ej: Tomato, chopped egg, basil, orègano, the species that you like.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


1 kilo ( TWO POUNDS) of head meat.
1/2 cup of oil.
1 onion.
1 sweet pepper.
1 spoonful of garlic dive.
1 cumin spoonful.
2 spoonfuls of chopped cilantro.
1 red paprika.
3 peeled mature tomatoes.
2 spoonfuls of capers.
20 or 30 green olives.


Cut the meat in small pieces. Take to the fire a pan with the oil and when it is hot cold the meat a little at the same time, trying that it is gilded well by all sides placing it in a pot to cook. In the same oil and the same pan it tosses the onion, the pepper, the garlic and the paprika well all dive fries lightly them until marchitaditos are well. Then add you them to the meat, also add the tomatoes dives. Cover the pot and allow to cook very slowly for 30 minutes. Add the cumin then, the capers, the olives, some salt, keeping in mind the salt of the olives and the capers, cover another time and allow to cook until the meat is in its I paint, adding some water of being necessary. At the end he/she adds the cilantro and serve.



* 800 grs of black beans (string beans)
* 300 grs of smoked bacon
* 350 grs of dry meat
* 350 grs of ribs of pork * 5 tomatoes
* 150 grs of smoked sausage
* 2 big bad onions
* 3 garlic cloves * 1 cup Rice * black pepper and go out to taste


Step 1: To prepare the meat of the feijoada: The fréjoles and the dry meat is to put them in soaking during the previous night in separate recipients. The following day to drain the meat and to place in a big pot or pot express with water, together with the pig ribs, the bacon and the sausage; to cook to strong fire until it breaks the boil. To scum, to lower the fire, to cover and to cook during two hours at least.

Step 2: To prepare the fréjoles of the feijoada: In another pot with cold water to place the fréjoles to very low fire until it breaks the boil, it covers himself and they also cook during two hours, as the meat. To strain the fréjoles to reserve the broth.

Step 3: To prepare the one fried lightly for the fréjoles: To braise the onions itched finely with the chopped garlic until the onions become translucent; to incorporate the tomatoes without skin, without seeds and dives or grated; to pepper to pleasure and to cook during 20 minutes to very low fire.

Step 4: When the one fried lightly this clever one to add part of the fréjoles and to squash with a fork, to incorporate the rest with a cup of the water where they have cooked and to take to the fire during 20 minutes without stopping to revolve. It was a thick broth.

Step 5: To prepare the rice: To place in a pan two spoonfuls of oil and a clove of garlic, to incorporate a cup of rice and to braise a couple of minutes revolving; to add two cups and he/she mediates of water boiling, to mix so that he/she doesn't stick the rice and to allow to cook during 20 minutes to slow fire.

Step 6: To serve on one hand the meat cut in small pieces, in another source the fréjoles and in other the rice.


heaven tres leches cake (three milks cake) COLOMBIA

* 5 separated eggs * 1/2 cup of sugar * 1 cup of flour * 1/2 teaspoonful of powder to bake * 1 and 1/2 cups of evaporated milk * 1/2 cup of cream of 1/2 beat refreshed * cup of condensed milk * 1/2 cup of milk * 4 whites of egg of egg * 1/2 cup of sugar pulverized * cinnamon in powder to decorate

It preheats the oven to 400º F / 200º C. Begins making the poundcake. He/she prepares the refractory container with butter and flour.

In the blender, it beats the white about to snow and he/she adds the sugar little by little. One incorporates to a the yolks.
He/she stops to beat and he/she adds the flour and the powder to bake without stopping to remove with a wooden tablespoon.

It pours the mixture in the refractory container and it bakes during 15 minutes or until the cake is lightly golden. Take it out of the oven and face courts in form of squares. Allow it to cool on a grill.

To make the cream, it mixes the evaporated milk, the cream of beating, the condensed milk and the milk. Pour it on the cake and put it in the refrigerator.