Friday, July 31, 2009


The cocoa is a fruit of tropical origin with which the chocolate takes place. Its importance in the economy of the colony was enormous, since it was one of the products of the new continent more coveted by the Europeans. It is cultivated in bushes from 2 to 3 meters that should be to the shade, reason why usually they are low bigger trees as the cedar, the bucare, the mango, or the banana, among other...

The tree of the cocoa usually has between 10 and 15 fruits, but in some occasions it can arrive at 20.
There are two types of cocoa: one is red and when being matured they become had lived and the other one is green and when you matures restitution yellow.

The cocoa has some seeds that can be sucked as a sucker or a guanĂ¡bana. These seeds are covered for a jellied substance. They are sweet and very flavorful.

When the cocoa is mature, he/she intersects of the tree and it is left to the shade it has more than enough banana leaves for about 3 to 6 days, so that it is fermented. It is important that he/she has humidity, but you cannot wet with the rain. Then, it is put in the sun for their other drying 3 to 6 days.

Toasted grains

When the grains are already dry you tuestan in an oven and then they are removed the shell and they are crushed. Finally, to prepare the chocolate it is added sugar and milk.


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